Crimal Cyber law
Due to the progressive digitalization of our everyday life and the internet as a means of communication, the internet and the development of technologies offer more and more incentives for criminal acts. IT criminal law includes crimes committed with computers or the Internet on the one hand and investigative measures aimed at data transmission and data storage on the other. That is why legislation and jurisprudence cannot keep up to track all forms of technology. New criminal offenses are created to close legal gaps, the so-called Internet criminal law, also known as IT criminal law, computer criminal law or cybercrime.
Typical criminal laws in internet criminal law include:
-Spying out and intercepting data and their preparatory actions (§§ 202a, 202b, 202c StGB)
-Collecting data (§ 202d StGB)
-Data modification (§ 303 a StGB)
-Computer sabotage (§ 303 a StGB).
-Other most common crimes are:
-Computer fraud, § 263a StGB
-Falsification of evidence relevant data, § 269 StGB
-(Child) pornography (§§ 184, 184a StGB, 184b StGB)
-Insult, slander, defamation, §§ 185 – 187 StGB
-Unauthorized use under copyright § 106 UrhG
-Unauthorized intervention in technical protective measures, § 108b UrhG
-Label infringement, § 143 MarkenG
-Infringement of the community trademark, § 143a MarkenG
-Criminal use of geographical indications of origin, § 144 MarkenG.
Stored data is therefore of particular interest to the investigating authorities as a source of knowledge. Criminal investigations by the authorities in this area are often based on a lack of understanding of the technical context.
This is where my defense strategy and your support from the law office Arinstein come in.
Criminal Law Office Arinstein
Urbanstraße 71
10967 Berlin