Criminal Traffic law
Mistakes on the road happen every day. Certain of them are considered criminal offenses. Regular criminal offenses in traffic criminal law are:
-Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, Section 316 of the Criminal Code (StGB)
-Endangering road traffic through reckless driving, § 315c StGB
-Unauthorized removal from the scene of an accident (“accident escape”), § 142 StGB
-Driving without a driver’s license, § 21 Para. 1 StVG
-Negligent bodily harm, § 223 StGB
-Negligent homicide, § 222 StGB
Penalties can be fines, penalties and even imprisonment, but also secondary consequences such as:
-driver’s license suspension
In addition to losing your driving license, prosecution can also result in you having a criminal record and a corresponding entry in your certificate of good conduct.
Frequently, it is only through experienced defense that the proceedings can be stopped, thus preventing the dreaded withdrawal of the driver’s license. That’s what I’m committed to.
Criminal Law Office Arinstein
Urbanstraße 71
10967 Berlin