Sexual Offences
Sexual criminal law or criminal offenses against sexual self-determination (§ 174 – 184k StGB) is one of the most highly sensitive areas of criminal law, in which imprisonment is generally threatened in the event of a conviction. Rape usually carries a prison sentence of 2 to 15 years.
The particular challenge in the defense in sexual criminal law is typically the statement-against-statement constellation. Here it is important to uncover the lies of the supposed “victim” through the lawyer for sexual criminal law.
Despite the presumption of innocence, the public prosecutor’s office and the police are taking full action in sexual criminal law. I am 100% committed to the interests of my clients.
The defense is unprejudiced and unreserved, regardless of whether the allegations are true. Hardly any other criminal accusation results in such a frequent misjudgment. Competent and committed criminal defense by a lawyer specializing in sex crimes is all the more important.
The primary goal of the law firm Arinstein in the defense in sexual criminal law is a quick end to the proceedings.
Criminal Law Office Arinstein
Urbanstraße 71
10967 Berlin